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274 Gnangara Road


274 Gnangara Road, Landsdale WA 6065.


Offered For Sale by way of “Offers Invited” closing 4pm AWST Wednesday 21 August 2024 - this outstanding, 9,788m2 investment opportunity offers a brand new development with state of the art fuel infrastructure, secured by new long term leases and benefits from its outstanding location.


A brand new 15 year lease to Burk Fuel and secondary 5 year lease to the Veolia Waste Management, including strong fixed rent reviews will ensure consistent income growth year on year to investors over the long term.

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274 Gnangara Road Landsdale WA – presents an outstanding opportunity to acquire a brand new, securely leased long WALE service station investment with underdeveloped surplus land to the rear currently leased to an international waste management company.

Superbly located on the prime roundabout corner on Gnangara Road and directly opposite Enterprise Park Estate, the property has exceptional exposure and easy access for traffic travelling in both directions.

A brand new 15 year lease to Burk Fuel and secondary 5 year lease to the Veolia Waste Management, including strong, fixed rent reviews, will ensure a consistent income growth year on year to investors over the long term.

This investment opportunity offers a brand new development, secured by new long term leases and benefits from its outstanding location. Other investment features include depreciation, fixed annual increases, warranties and bank guarantees. The site also offers future development potential over the rear portion of the site being some 3519m2, which is currently underdeveloped. This area could later be further developed for office & warehouse.

Presented exclusively by Industrial & General, 274 Gnangara Road Landsdale WA is offered For Sale by way of “Offers Invited” closing 4pm AWST Wednesday 21 August 2024.


The subject property is situated within the well established industrial location of Landsdale some 17 kilometres north west of the Perth Central Business District.

The Landsdale industrial area comprises a mixture of development styles and uses ranging from car dealerships to modern hi tech industrial premises. Over the past decade considerable expansion has occurred within the Enterprise Park Industrial Estate, located directly opposite the subject property.

More recent construction is generally of a higher standard than buildings constructed in the original Landsdale industrial area.

The subject property is situated on the south western corner of Gnangara Road and Attwell Street at a key roundabout and benefits from its substantial dual street frontages.

Ingress and egress is available from Attwell Street and Gnangara Road. The property has good access to major arterial roads including Gnangara Road.

Recent traffic count suggest an average of 16,000 vehicles per day, Monday to Friday.


Presented exclusively by Industrial & General, 274 Gnangara Road Landsdale is being offered For Sale by the way of ‘Offers Invited’ closing 4pm AWST Wednesday 21 August 2024.

Offers are not required to be lodged in any prescribed form, however as a minimum, all offers must include the following information:

  1. The name of party, together with the Principals supporting the interested party and any details of the holding company or entity.
  2. The purchase price together with confirmation of the deposit, settlement and any other conditions of purchase.
  3. Full details of the interested party’s capacity to complete the transaction in a timely manner.

N.B. Terms of Sale require a deposit of not less than ten percent (10%) of the purchase price which is to be paid upon contract execution with the balance of monies payable at settlement.

The Seller will not necessarily accept, and there shall be no obligation on the Seller to accept, the highest offer or any offer. The Seller may select its preferred offer for acceptance in the Seller’s absolute discretion.


The following additional information can be provided to prospective buyers who have submitted a formal offer to purchase on or before 4pm AWST Wednesday 21 August 2024:

  • Draft Contract of Sale
  • Supporting Lease Documentation
  • Survey Plans
  • Building Plans
  • Tenancy Schedule
  • Outgoings Budgets
  • Environmental Due Diligence Assessment
  • Depreciation Schedule
  • Occupancy Permit
  • Hazardous Area Layout Plan
  • Tank Solutions Fuel Tank Specification
  • UPSS Precision Test Report – Pre Burial
  • Tankology Integrity Testing Report – Post Burial
  • Tankology Integrity Testing Report – Post Burial Retest
  • Gtech ATG System Invoice Confirmation
  • ATG Commissioning Invoice Confirmation
  • Gtech Fuel Pipe and Pump System Invoice Confirmation
  • Link to BYDA Utility Plans


Industrial & General
Matt Lyford
Managing Director
0419 934 904
1300 000 350

Located on the corner of Gnangara Road and Atwell street, this 9788sqm* parcel directly opposite Landcorps highly successful Enterprise Park Industrial Estate, Wangara is an opportunity for the future developer to take advantage of some 11,000* passing vehicles. The site, located just down the road from Bunnings, is perfectly positioned for the occupier seeking a large industrial land holding in the midst of one of Perths largest employment pools. Alternatively, the site can be re-developed to take advantage of its dual street front corner location.

The property is located approx. 17kms north of the Perth CBD and is accessible via Hepburn Ave or Ocean Reef Road to the Mitchell Freeway, and Gnangara Road out to the $1b Northlink WA road network.

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