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Bullsbrook Industrial Park

201 Stock Road


Release 1 - Oversubscribed!

Release 2 - Register Now!

Bullsbrook Industrial Park is a new 191 ha* industrial precinct located between NorthLink WA (Tonkin Hwy) and Great Northern Hwy in Bullsbrook, just 35 minutes* north of Perth CBD.

Bullsbrook Industrial Park (BIP) is strategically positioned as the new employment hub of Perth’s fastest growing north-east corridor, and closest metropolitan base to WA’s northern mining and resources sector.

Located on the newly upgraded Stock Road and adjacent the Perth-Geraldton Rail Line, BIP leverages the Tonkin Highway freight route and provides eagerly awaited growth alternatives to the land starved historic industrial markets.

Property Location


Key Features

BIP delivers tailored industrial lots, including super lot sizes unable to be delivered elsewhere in Perth, with planned future rail logistics connections, zoning to accommodate 24/7 industrial operations, connections to government water and waste networks and planned green energy initiatives for sustainable larger power users.

  • Lots from 3,000m2 and 10,000m2, plus future superlots
  • Estate access for RAV-7 (36.5m) trucks, plus High-Wide-Loads
  • Dual-Frontage & Drive-Thru lots available
  • Industrial standard power to all lots
  • WaterCorp serviced, both water and sewer
  • ‘General Industry’ zoning for 24/7 operations
  • 25min to Airport & Kewdale/Welshpool* | 55min to Fremantle Port*

* Approximate only

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